“If You Can…”

I return to you having shared many deeply human and meaningful moments with my east coast family and friends. On the flight back, rather than watch the in-flight entertainment, I came across an uplifting aspiration from  Tara Brach; a Buddhist teacher, author, and psychologist. May we all find mindful compassion and freedom in our experience of being fully human.

If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills,
If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches & pains,
If you can resist complaining & boring people with your troubles,
If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time,
If you can overlook when people take things out on you when, through no fault of yours, something goes wrong,
If you can take criticism & blame without resentment,
If you can face the world without lies & deceit,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs…

Then you are probably a dog.


Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash