Oakland church


Our ministry teams are long-standing volunteer teams that coordinate closely with our clergy and staff to brainstorm, strategize, make recommendations, recruit volunteers and develop plans on how to effectively do ministry in various areas of church life. We believe that ministry is for everyone! Our church offers the opportunity for all members and friends to take a full part in the life of the church. For that reason, every member of the church, and those friends who wish it, serve the church through membership in one or more of these Service areas:

Invitation, Welcome, and Fellowship

  • Pastor Laurie and team TBD
  • Our mission is to practice extravagant hospitality, invitation and welcome; and assimilate newcomers into our faith community.

Care and Concern

  • Pastor Laurie with support from many
  • Our mission is to celebrate and care for friends & members of this community and beyond.


  • Pastor Laurie, Office Manager
  • Our mission is to engage members and friends fully in the life of this community, discovering and using their talents for the greater good.

Spiritual Life  (worship & education)

  • Our mission is to inspire spirituality through our worship services, education and our music programs; to enhance the faith journey of Skyline and the wider community.

Green Team

  • Catherine Kessler
  • Our mission is to enhance and maintain the buildings and the sacred ground of the Church, and to and maximize the appropriate use of our facilities, including rentals, and coordinate education about eco-justice for Skyline and beyond


  • Michael Armijo

Justice & Witness

  • Jim Schubert and Nancy Taylor
  •   Our mission is to coordinate charity and justice, locally and globally

Children, Youth, & Families

  • Director TBD
  • Our mission is to advocate for children, youth, and families in all areas of church life, and partner with the preschool and other area CYF groups.

Finance Group

  • Karen Erenprais-Pierce, Nancy Taylor, Catherine Kessler and Carolyn
  • Our mission is to plan the annual budget, and long term capital projects for the church, preschool and rentals, monitor, and inform the congregation about status.

Skyline Council

  • Current leaders are listed below.
  • Special service team dedicated to the operations of the church.  These leaders are elected by the community members and meet monthly.

Service Team meetings are ably led, purposeful, and efficient. They are also fun! Ours is a healthy and vibrant church, and the degree of participation in the life of the church is among the highest. Participation is an invitation to bring your gifts and inspiration, have fun, and serve God.

Church Council & Officers

MODERATOR:Catherine Kessler and Nancy Taylor
TREASURER: Karen ErenpraisPierce
GREEN TEAM LEAD: Catherine Kessler
JUSTICE & WITNESS LEAD: Jim Schubert and Nancy Taylor
MINISTER: Pastor Laurie
Additional Teams: Care & Concern, Invitation, Welcome & Fellowship and Children, Youth and Families
PRESONNEL COMMITTEE: Carolyn Noble, Karen Erenprais-Pierce and Pastor Laurie Manning
PRESCHOOL LIASON: Carolyn Noble and Pastor Laurie Manning
PASTORAL RELATIONS:Catherine Kessler, Bee Franks-Walker and Jim Schubert
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Karen Erenprais-Pierce, Nancy Taylor, Catherine Kessler, Carolyn Noble, and Pastor Laurie Manning

To let us know what your interest or questions are, please email us or call at 510-531-8212.

Meeting ID: 716 026 467
Dial in by phone: 1-669-900-9128

Bible study, Tuesday 10:30am
Council meeting, 3rd Wednesday 7pm
Care Team meeting, 4th Thursday 12:30pm
Prayer, Care & Share meeting, Friday 1pm
Preschool Advisory Board meeting, 2nd Friday 9:30am
Film night, 3rd Friday – 5:30 pm Potluck and 6:30 pm Movie