Oct 27 Newsletter

Oct 19 Newsletter

Oct 13 Newsletter

Oct 2 Newsletter

September 29 Newsletter

September 22 Newsletter

September 15 Newsletter

Blessing of the Animals 2022

Come and celebrate the animal companions in our lives on Sunday, October 2 at 4:30 PM!

You are invited to our annual special time of recognizing how these beloved companions are integral parts of our families, and that they are a blessing to us all. We will draw from the wisdom of many faith traditions, including St Francis, as well as indigenous traditions, Buddhism, and other faiths. We will have a time of remembering beloved pets who have died, and a time of sharing best practices, and of course, meeting one another’s extended families! A time of music, reflection, remembering and celebrating. 

Reverend Laurie Manning is available to bless your dog, cat, goat, parakeet, fish, horse or whatever you bring (safely) with you.  You can also bring photos of beloved pets who cannot make the journey or have passed on to receive a blessing.

Download the flyer to share!

Skyline Community Church
12540 Skyline Blvd., Oakland, Ca. 94619
(½ mile S. of Redwood)

Press Coverage from Past Years:



September 8 Newsletter

September 1 Newsletter