June 9 Newsletter

June 2 Newsletter

May 26 Newsletter

May 19 Newsletter

Jail Justice Rally – May 24, 2022

Join our Justice and Witness, Faith in Action/ICJJ team in supporting this action:

Register: tinyurl.com/JailJusticeRally

Register: tinyurl.com/JailJusticeRally

We demand:

1. An independent investigation into the death of Leonard Brown and everyone who has died in the jail over the last two years.

2. That family members be informed within 24 hours of the deaths of their loved ones, and the public is notified immediately thereafter.

3. That the Sheriff publicly discloses deaths that took place after a transfer or in a hospital if the incident or condition began in the jail,

4. That Alameda County establishes an independent coroner separate from the Sheriff’s office.

5. That the family of a detainee be notified when their loved one is in the medical ward of the jail or hospitalized outside the jail.

6. That every person booked into the jail be assessed at intake by a clinician for suicidal ideation, drug or alcohol addiction, and other medical conditions.

7. That the Board of Supervisors implements Sheriff oversight.

8. That the number of people with serious mental illness (SMI) in Santa Rita Jail be reduced to ZERO by 2026.

9. That the County budget prioritizes upstream solutions and adequately funds both hospitalization and treatment in the community.

10. That the Board of Supervisors creates an independent ombudsperson for detainees and family members of the incarcerated.

May 5 Newsletter

April 28 Newsletter

April 22 Newsletter

04/08/22 Newsletter

04/01/22 Newsletter