9/2/21 Newsletter

Hurricane Relief | Skyline Singers make music | September birthdays & more https://mailchi.mp/skylineucc/081221-5641308?e=340753161a


“Carried on the Winds of Love” 8/29/21 Worship at Skyline Community Church

Take a moment for #prayer, from the Skyline Community Church 10am Sunday worship. Join us online or masked & distance in person, with a miraculous view overlooking #Oakland‘s Redwood Regional Park, live music & a progressive congregation & service. Watch the most recent sermon & readings, including #poetry of Langston Hughes & Hafiz. https://youtu.be/2cz2Lcz28Ls

August 26, 2021 Newsletter

Song commission | Recall election | NCNC news | Solar roof & more https://mailchi.mp/skylineucc/081221-5638712?e=7b8c952a4a

Skyline Illuminates 2021 with Solar

As part of our commitment to being faithful stewards of Creation, this summer, we went solar at Skyline Community Church! The benefits of solar energy for our church and preschool are multiple: saving money on electric bills means more money for outreach and meeting needs in our community; solar energy (especially with battery backup) puts us one step closer to being a “resiliency hub” in California’s extreme heat periods and during power shut-offs; and renewable energy demonstrates our commitment to caring for all of Creation and encourages others to go solar. Here’s a short, energizing, and inspiring video prepared by our Green Team, who we thank for their work in bringing this to fruition, along with the contributions of our congregation. https://www.facebook.com/SkylineCommunityChurch/videos/134638532123254

August 19 Newsletter

Inspiring readings and reflections for the week | Haiti relief collection & more! https://mailchi.mp/skylineucc/081221-5637296?e=7b8c952a4a


“Holy Flesh” August 15, 2021 Sermon

We were blessed to have, as our guest preacher, Nichola Torbett, who has dedicated her life to putting her faith into action. Her many accomplishments include serving as Founding Director at Seminary of the Street, former Director of National Programs at Tikkun, and advocating for criminal justice reform, highlighted by “Sojourners” and NPR.

8/15 Vocal & Piano Concert

Sunday, August 15 at 6:30pm (updated date and time), the second concert of vocalist Gabrielle Lochard, our beloved Music Director, and pianist Jonathan Liu takes place outdoors at Skyline Community Church. This dynamic duo performs art songs, arias and jazz standards about joy, sorrow and resilience – music by Handel, Rachmaninov, Duke Ellington and Abbey Lincoln. Suggested donation of $15 at the door or Venmo @jonathan-liu-31, though nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. While the vocalist will not be masked, the audience, must be masked and socially distanced.


August 12, 2021 Newsletter

We welcome a criminal justice reforming guest preacher; I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings & more! https://mailchi.mp/skylineucc/081221?e=7b8c952a4a

Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change

August 6 & 9, commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, stand with the Hibakusha, a bomb survivor, abolish #nuclear weapons. Tune in and act for positive change! Live-streamed on YouTube, join virtual rallies with Daniel Ellsberg, Nobuaki Hanaoka, Nell Myhand, Tsukuru Fors, John Burroughs, Marylia Kelley, Marshallese climate activists and more! Betsy Rose and Benjamin Mertz will provide the music.
Today at 6pm, join our Green Team and Justice & Witness leaders, Catherine Kessler and Nancy Taylor to watch and discuss, over a potluck dinner, at Skyline Community Church or on Zoom. Please park in the lower-lot. Masks are required.
DISCUSS ON ZOOM: https://zoom.us/s/716026467 (ID 716026467, Call in 669-900-9128)

August 5 Newsletter

Nuclear weapons & climate change, Tree of Life, We’re hiring & more! https://mailchi.mp/skylineucc/e-5625544