Prayer & Care | Skyline Community Church
Oakland church

Prayer & Care

We offer several ways for you to receive support and encouragement for your joys or concerns. If you or a loved one is in the hospital or confined to home, we will coordinate visits by ministers, staff and church friends as appropriate. As needs arise, we offer support gatherings for grief, divorce, and other life circumstances; see our calendar for upcoming groups. Please let us know how we might be of help.

  • Privately share with Pastor Laurie at pastor@skylineucc.org or 510-972-4868.
  • Publicly share in worship during announcement or by submitting a prayer request card from the welcome table in the sanctuary.
  • Publicly share in our worship bulletin and weekly newsletter through our Tree of Life prayers when you notify the pastor of this desire.
  • Share with Pastor Laurie through our prayer request form below. Optionally stay anonymous, if you prefer.
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