Oakland church

Sunday Mornings

On most Sundays, our children participate in age-appropriate programs that promote togetherness, foster compassion, and facilitates exploration of their own spirituality. We also offer Family Worship opportunities throughout the year.


Infants and Toddlers
(newborn to approximately 3 years of age)

Infants and toddler are welcome to remain in worship or join our church school program after children’s time.

Pre-K through 6th Grade Students

Children begin their Sundays in our 10:00 am worship service. Following a segment called Children’s Time, they are escorted to age-appropriate, engaging programs, facilitated by our teaching team held in the preschool area. You can pick up your child after worship there.


Family Worship Sundays at SKYLINE

Family worship is a time where all our children remain in the service with their families for a fun and engaging intergenerational experience. Worship leadership that day includes our children and our youth. Join us as the children lead us in prayers of thanksgiving, communion or scripture themes for the day with their church family. Infant and toddler care is always available.