Your tax deductible donation supports our programs. (EIN 941584605) Thank you for your financial commitment to Skyline Community Church! Giving is a spiritual practice. The first step is to ask God in prayer: How much am I being called to give? How am I being asked to respond to The Spirit’s call in my life? Many pledgers begin with an estimated percentage of their incomes, which seems significant and responsible for the year, and later embark upon the spiritual discipline of gradually increasing that percentage over time.
The United Church of Christ (UCC) and our Northern California-Nevada Conference stress giving a deliberately chosen percentage of our annual income as a gift to support the ministries of our local church, in gratitude for the gifts we have been given, and to help spread God’s message of abundant love, justice and inclusion. Setting a long-term goal of giving 10% is the UCC ideal; however, you may consider another percentage goal based on your circumstances.
Preferred Ways to Give
- Place your gift in the offering basket at Sunday worship.
- Use your bank’s bill pay system
- Mail or drop off a check to Skyline Community Church at 12540 Skyline Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619
- Use Stripe, through our secure database, for ACH bank transfer, credit card, or text. You’ll create a simple account where you can easily see all your contributions and optionally share your contact info with our congregation. Optionally cover fees.
Additional Ways to Give
- Use our website to submit a one-time credit card payment, securely using Stripe, at Optionally cover the 3.5% fee for donations.
- Call our office at 510-531-8212 to have staff create a one-time or recurring credit card payment securely through Stripe.
- Use For Paypal donations / donors need to mark these as a gift. If not, Paypal charges a fee.
A Pledge is a spiritual commitment to giving of our time, talent and treasure, and it is based on our belief that we give because we receive. Pledging gives us a chance to assess our priorities in a planned and thoughtful way, and allows us to align our giving with our values.
A Pledge is a voluntary statement of your annual financial commitment upon which our church bases its expenditures, makes its plans and builds programs around our three fundamental priorities: (1) voice for progressive Christianity, (2) dedication to environmental & social justice and outreach and (3) deepening understanding and growing beloved community.
- Complete the commitment form here.
- Staff will add your pledge to our online database,, and create a profile for you, if you haven’t already.
- When you donate, through one of the methods above, note that it’s part of your pledge.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I’m not a member; can I still pledge?
A. Yes! You do not need to be a member to pledge.
Q. Who sees my pledge?
A. The Financial Secretary and the Administrator record your pledge. The Stewardship Team may review pledges from time to time to look at giving trends.
Q. What should I do if something happens and I cannot fulfill my pledge?
A. Let the Financial Secretary know. She can adjust your pledge accordingly.
Q. I always get behind in my pledge because I forget to bring my checkbook to church.
Are there other ways to pay?
A. Yes, there are! See the survey form, for detailed information.
Q. Besides the pleasure of supporting my Church, what do I get for pledging?
A. As a pledger you will be sent quarterly donation statements so you can see whether you are keeping up with your commitment to give, and a year-end statement with all your giving for the year for tax purposes.
Q. Can I use my assets to help the church?
A. Yes! You can make a gift of stock or an IRA tax-free distribution (if you are over age 70 ½). You can also utilize Planned Giving by including SCC in your will or trust. Talk to the Treasurer or Financial Secretary for more information.