Oakland church


Our Sunday volunteers make our worship services run smoothly. Sunday volunteers are needed in a variety of capacities.

Thank you to all who contribute. Insofar as you’re available and comfortable, we’ll appreciate you indicating any Sundays that you’re willing to serve in one of the following roles. Our Sign Up Genius poll allows you to select the dates and roles for which you’re available.
Zoom Host – requires tech savvy and video and audio set up in the sanctuary, for which there are prepared instructions

Greeter – Welcome visitors and guests to worship. Answer questions and provide directions as needed. Time Commitment: Once every 4-6 weeks, arrive early. Greeter Guidelines  

Usher Team – Prepare the Sanctuary for worship services, seat people as they arrive, take up the offering and direct people during communion. Time Commitment: Once every 4-6 weeks, arrive early. Usher Guidelines

Liturgist – Lead the opening prayers for the worship service, with an opportunity to write your own prayers if you choose. Liturgist Guidelines

Choir –  Open to all. Ability to carry a tune and match pitch required. Weekly rehearsal 8:30 am and Sunday worship, 10 am. Learn more

Communion Set-up – Serve communion to congregants the first Sunday of every month. Once a month. Communion Set-up Guidelines

Church School Adult Helpers – Support our Children’s Ministry by taking a turn assisting as an adult helper in the classroom during the year. Simple background check is required. 

Hospitality – Provide extravagant welcome and light refreshments at our coffee hour after worship. Work with a small team to provide refreshments, set up, serve, and clean up. Once every 3 months, 45 minutes-1 hour, arrive early. Sunday Hospitality Guidelines

Care OpportunitiesOur Care volunteers offer practical and compassionate care support to our congregants. These volunteer opportunities complement the pastoral care provided by our ministerial staff. Learn more