Unity within our Diversity

Last Sunday after the service, I was having a wonderful conversation with a lovely young couple who were visiting with their parents from San Francisco,  who’d joined us for worship.  The whole family seemed to be having a great time, and in fact, one of the parents serenaded us during fellowship time on the piano!
I wasn’t quite sure, but I suspected that they were checking out the facility to see if they’d like to get married here.    Sure enough, they told me that they are getting married here, June 2020, and after a great conversation, the young man turned to me and said, “I don’t know how to ask you this, but will you marry us?”    What a proposal!  Not just to be married within this beautiful sanctuary, but to be married within this beautiful progressive faith that we share!     Of course I accepted and told them,  I would love to work with both of you,  in preparing for your marriage as well as your wedding! 
Over the years, I have presided and co-presided at many weddings, both ecumenical and interfaith, including  a Taoist Christian wedding, coming up next month!   And through the years, these relationships continue.  Next Sunday afternoon I will baptize baby Lucy, who’s parents, Catherine and Auggie, I married seven years ago.  Their older son, Jack, now attends Skyline preschool. The week after that, in worship, we will be baptizing baby Josiah (who played baby Jesus in our Christmas pageant)  and I had the pleasure and honor of marrying his parents Amie and Justin,  two years ago! 
This Sunday we are fortunate to have, Charlie Holmes, offering a reflection entitled, “Felt Traits of One Who Tried to Help”, focusing upon the evolution of Bobby Kennedy, and upon the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the mystic philosopher from ancient China.  He writes, “Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.”
Thank you Skyline community, for being the warm and welcoming, diverse and evolving community that we are. 
Blessings upon your week!